Table 4.
Type, range and number of learning issues identified from 191 SEA reports submitted
Learning Issues identified | n | % |
Personal Awareness/Responsibilities and Change (e.g. general issues on improving diagnosis and management, dealing with negative patient/family behaviour) |
98 | 51.3 |
Communication (e.g. issues on communication with patient, issues on communication within team) | 54 | 28.3 |
Administration (e.g. need for new/improved protocols/systems, staff training required) |
36 | 18.9 |
Clinical Knowledge (e.g. psychiatry, contraception) |
30 | 15.7 |
Equipment/task aids/workspace (e.g. become familiar with medical centre - whereabouts of drugs and equipment, the need to secure and check prescription pads) |
26 | 13.6 |
Case Notes (e.g. the need for accurate detailed documentation, Read clinical notes) | 17 | 8.9 |
Whole Practice Awareness (e.g. need for system to respond to emergency within practice, clarification of responsibilities) |
16 | 8.4 |
Medication/Prescription (e.g. responsibilities for GP-secondary care interface prescribing, need for better supervision of PRHO prescribing) |
9 | 4.7 |
Patient/Carers (e.g. effects of mental illness on carers, education required on self-management of asthma) |
6 | 3.1 |
Complaints (e.g. dealing with complaints system, avoiding complaints being generated) |
4 | 2.1 |
GP and Partners Awareness (e.g. the need for regular medication review with GPs, the importance of efficient and accurate results handling system) |
4 | 2.1 |
Health and Safety (e.g. re-sheathing needles should not be undertaken, to ensure all clinical staff immunised against Hepatitis B) |
3 | 1.6 |
• 182 reports detailed at least one learning issue
• More than one learning point may have been reported in a single report.