Figure 1.
(a) Segmented lung lobes (color code: yellow = right middle lobe, green = right upper lobe, blue = right lower lobe, magenta = left upper lobe, and red = left lower lobe) overlain on fast spin-echo (FSE) conventional proton MRI of the lung parenchyma acquired with the FSE sequence (Table 2). (b) Corresponding inspiratory MDCT slice (a) used for segmenting the lung lobes in (a). MDCT image in (b) 512 × 512, reconstructed at 0.5 cm thickness, using parameters summarized in Table 1. (c) Graphic user interface display with equivalent proton MRI and HP MRI slices with segmented lung lobes as described in (a). The HP MR image of ventilation in the right panel of (c) depicts ventilation defects segmented with lobe location marked using the same color code and was acquired with a GRE sequence and parameters summarized in Table 2.