a, Protein and mRNA changes for quantified proteins deriving from messages with at least one 8mer 3′-UTR site (blue, n = 55) or at least one 7mer (orange, an additional 250 proteins). The least-squares best fit to the 8mer data are shown (blue line), as are reference lines (grey), which both have slope of 1.0. Vertical error bars indicate 25th and 75th percentiles for independent measurements of protein changes. Horizontal error bars indicate standard errors of mRNA changes from three biological replicates, one of which was also used for the SILAC experiments. b, Protein and mRNA changes for quantified proteins deriving from messages without 7-8mer 3′-UTR sites, plotted as in a. One of seven random cohorts is plotted here; the other six are in Supplementary Fig. 6. c, Distribution of the indicated reference-set mRNAs and quantified proteins with respect to mRNA expression, as indicated by the array signals from cultured neutrophils. d, Response of quantified proteins and their respective mRNAs to mir-223 deletion, considering those messages with 7-8mer 3′-UTR sites, grouped by mRNA expression.