Fig. 11.
(a) Assembly of a DNA-templated FET. (i) Polymerization of RecA monomers on a ssDNA molecule. (ii) Homologous recombination reaction binding the nucleoprotein filament to an aldehyde-derivatized scaffold dsDNA molecule. (iii) Localization of the streptavidin-functionalized SWNT on the scaffold dsDNA using a primary antibody to the bound RecA and a biotin-conjugated secondary antibody. (iv) Formation of silver clusters on the segments unprotected by RecA by incubation in an AgNO3 solution. (v) Gold deposition to form two DNA-templated gold wires contacting the SWNT. (b) SEM image of an individual SWNT contacted by self-assembled DNA-templated gold wires.78 Scale bar, 100 nm. Data courtesy of Erez Braun, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. Reproduced with permission from Science.