Figure 4.
Effect of ischemia on cardiac function in SUR2 null hearts. Left ventricular pressures were measured using a pressure-sensing catheter connected to a fluid filled balloon placed inside the left ventricle. A. Representative examples of left ventricular pressure at baseline and after 15 minutes of reperfusion are shown. Hearts from SUR2 null mice exhibit improved conserved left ventricular function following ischemia versus control hearts. B. Average systolic and diastolic pressures for control and SUR2 null mice. SUR2 null hearts exhibited significantly greater systolic pressures throughout reperfusion. Diastolic pressures were similar between cohorts, though a trend of higher diastolic pressures in control hearts immediately following ischemia was observed. * p<0.001, n=10 and n=7 for control and SUR2 null, respectively. C. Left ventricular developed pressures were significantly greater in SUR2 null hearts during reperfusion compared to controls even though baseline LVDP was similar between cohorts. ** p<0.01, * p<0.05, # p<0.0001 for two-way ANOVA comparison of cohorts, n=10 and n=7 for control and SUR2 null, respectively.