Fig. 3.
Pleiotropic effects on growth, development, reproduction and stress resistance upon inhibition of ifg-1 and rsks-1. (a) ifg-1 expression is reduced during dauer state. Quantification of relative levels of ifg-1 mRNA in N2 animals at different developmental stages at 20 °C using real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). pmp-2 expression was used for internal reference. Mean and standard error of the relative ifg-1/pmp-2 ratios based on three real-time RT-PCR trials are shown. Emb, embryos; PD, post dauer; 6 h, 6 h after dauer larvae were exposed to food. (b) rsks-1 regulates rate of development in C. elegans. Average length of 20 worms was measured every 24 h till 96 h after egg lay in the N2 vs. rsks-1(ok1255) strain. Similar results were obtained in five trials. (c,d) Reduction of fecundity by inhibition of ifg-1 and rsks-1. Progeny were counted every 24 h in (c) N2 on control RNAi and ifg-1(RNAi) (d) N2 and rsks-1(ok1255).