DC development in Flt3−/− bone marrow chimeras. (a) Absolute numbers of wild-type (closed squares) and Flt3−/− (open squares) spleen PMN, RP–macrophages, monocytes, pDC, and cDC in bone marrow chimeras 4 months after injection of Lin−Kit+ cells into lethally irradiated recipients. Each square represents an individual mouse. (b) Mixed bone marrow chimeras. Relative contribution of Flt3−/− (CD45.2+) cells to BM HSC (KSL, Kit+Sca–1+Lin−), MDP (Lin−CSF1R+), and spleen T cells (CD3+), B cells (CD19+), PMN, monocytes, RP–macrophages, pDC and cDC was determined 1.5 months after transfer. Data was pooled from 3 recipient mice and is representative for 2 independent experiments. (c) Parabiosis between wild-type controls and wild-type or Flt3−/− mice for 5 weeks. Dot plots were gated on spleen T cells (CD3+) (orange, upper panels) and cDCs (CD3−CD19−Ter119−NK1.1−Gr1−PDCA1−F4/80−CD11chi) (blue, lower panels), and analyzed for contribution of either parabiotic partner. Origin of cells was determined using distinct CD45 isoforms (wild-type : wild-type CD45.1+ : CD45.2+; wild-type : Flt3−/− CD45.1+ : CD45.2+).