Time course of intein splicing in BasGFP. Western blot analysis with anti-GFP antibody of proteins from yeast carrying a BasGFP intein incubated for the indicated periods after stopping transcription induction at 18° or 30°. (A) Time courses of the splicing of inteinWT and intein503. At 30°, inteinWT (top left) spliced rapidly, while intein503 (top right) barely spliced. At 18°, intein503 (bottom right) spliced at a reasonable speed but was slower to splice than inteinWT (bottom left). (B) Time courses of the splicing of inteinWT and inteinDd. Dead intein did not splice from its host protein. Note that the time courses of the splicing of a BasGFP-inteinWT at 30° done on 2 different days (top left in A and right in B) were very similar, indicating that the splicing reaction is reproducible. (C) Quantification of BasGFP-intein splicing. The y-axis is the ratio of the amount of unspliced BasGFP intein to the total amount of BasGFP and BasGFP intein. The x-axis is the time (in minutes) when yeast cells were harvested. The moment at which transcription induction was stopped was time zero. The calculated, pseudo-first order, splicing halftime is presented following the temperature of splicing and the name of each intein allele.