Fig. 1.
Spatial and temporal pattern of Sox2 expression in chick retina. The in situ hybridization signals were visualized with nitroblue tetrazolium (A-D), fluorescein-tyramide (E,F), or rhodamine-tyramide (G,H). A: E5 retina. B: E7 peripheral retina. C: E7 central retina. D: E7 central retina at higher magnification. E: E9 retina; F: E15 retina. G: P0 retina. H: P30 retina. I-K: Double-labeling for Sox2 expression and for Muller glia protein vimentin (recognized by Mab H5) in E15 retina. I: In situ hybridization detection of Sox2 mRNA with rhodamine-tyramide. J: Immunostaining for vimentin with fluorescein. K: Simultaneous view of both stainings. Arrows in D: positive cells in the inner plexiform layer. Arrows in E and F: positive cells that appear spatially paired. Arrows in I-K point to double-labeled cells. AM: amacrine cells. GCL: ganglion cell layer. L: lens. MG: Muller glia. NE: neuroepithelium. ONL: outer nuclear layer. Scale bars: 50 μm.