Figure 4. ADAM8 is present in angiogenic blood vessels following SCI.
A-D) Seven days post-injury, ADAM8 (A) is seen within several blood vessels overlapping with PECAM (B) and i.v. injected IB4 lectin (C) both of which are known to be present on the luminal side of ECs. The arrows in the merged confocal image (D) indicate the abluminal rim of ADAM8 staining, suggesting the interaction with the region between the ECs and the basement membrane. The circular structures on the bottom left are probably cross sections through three blood vessel branches. Note also that more structures are positive for ADAM8 and PECAM than for IB4 suggesting that these are non-perfused blood vessels. E-H) Seven days following injury, ADAM8 immunostaining (E) can be seen associated with a blood vessel that was labeled by i.v. injection of IB4 (F). Ki-67-positive (G), proliferating, ECs (arrows) are seen in the thinner IB4-positive branch as well as in an ADAM8-positive cell emanating from the leading non-perfused end (H).