Figure 5. Fgf10 deletion delays onset of cortical neurogenesis with initially diminished neuronal production followed by enhanced production.
(A–G) Early neurogenesis in wt and Fgf10 −/− cortex. Sections of wt (A–F) and Fgf10−/− (A’–F’) brains at ages indicated were stained with a preplate and layer 6 marker, Tbr1 antibody (A–E’), or a pan-neuronal marker, TuJ1 (F, F’). At E10.5, a low density of Tbr1+ neurons (arrows) is evident in the preplate (PP) on each section through wt cortex (A), but only one neuron (arrow), or more typically, none are found in each section in Fgf10 −/− cortex (A’). From E10.5 through E13.5, fewer Tbr1+ neurons are evident in Fgf10−/− cortex than in wt (A–E’), with a delay of approximately one and a half to two days in neuronal production; however, by E14.5, more neurons are found in cortical plate (CP) of Fgf10 −/− cortex than wt (E, E’). (F, F’) Tuj1 immunostaining also reveals lower density of preplate neurons in Fgf10 −/− cortex than wt. (G) Quantification of Tbr1+ neurons. (n=4, 0.85 ± 0.16 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E11.5, 2.98 ± 0.31/0.01 mm2 s.e.m. at E12.5, 9.78 ± 0.16 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E13.5, 42.1 ± 0.47 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E14.5, 45.9 ± 1.04 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E15.5 for wt, 0.14 ± 0.04 /mm2 s.e.m. at E11.5, 0.57 ± 0.01 mm2 s.e.m. at E12.5, 7.37 ± 0.17 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E13.5, 30.5 ± 0.75 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E14.5, 52.9 ± 2.1 /0.01mm2 s.e.m. at E15.5 for Fgf10−/−, respectively. Significance between wt and Fgf10−/− mice in unpaired Student’s test is p<0.05 at E10.5, p<0.01 at E11.5, p<0.001 at E12.5, p<0.01 at E13.5, and p<0.05 at E14.5). VZ ventricular zone. Scale bar: 50 µm.