Figure 5. Drinking H2/Mg water attenuated neurotoxicity and behavioral phenotype induced by chronic infusion of MPTP.
(A) Schedule for continuous infusion of MPTP and behavioral observation. Mice started to drink non-H2 water or H2/Mg water 1 week before infusion of minipump. The 1st open-field test was performed in the morning of pump infusion. The 2nd test was performed 28 days after pump infusion. (B) TH-staining from mice with saline-infusion drinking non-H2 water (I) or H2/Mg water (II) and those from mice with MPTP-infusion drinking non-H2 water (III) or H2/Mg water (IV). (C) Average number of TH-positive neurons in mice with saline- or MPTP-infusion (n = 6). Brain samples were obtained from six 20 µm coronal SN sections. (D) Suppression of open-field activity by chronic infusion of MPTP was partially recovered by drinking H2/Mg water. Relative ambulation score at the 2nd measurement was expressed as percentage of the 1st measurement (n = 6 for each group). One-way ANOVA; ### P<0.001 compared to saline with non-H2 water; *P<0.05, **P<0.01 compared to MPTP with non-H2 water. Error bars represent mean ± SEM.