FIG. 2.
Chromosomal Ampr stationary-phase mutation requires stress responses and error-prone DNA polymerases. For an explanation of the experiments and data see the legend to Fig. 1. (A) Induction of the SOS response is required for ampD stress-induced mutagenesis. Open diamonds, recG strain SMR5578; filled circles, recG lexA3 (Ind−) strain SMR7055. The lexA3(Ind−) allele encodes an uncleavable LexA repressor protein that prevents derepression of LexA-controlled SOS genes during an SOS response (45). (C) Ampr stationary-phase mutation requires the general stress response controlled by RpoS. Open diamonds, rpoS+ strain SMR5222; filled circles, rpoS strain SMR10317. (E) DinB is required for Ampr stationary-phase mutagenesis. Open diamonds, din+ strain SMR5222; filled circles, dinB strain SMR6373. (G) The umuDC genes are required for Ampr stationary-phase mutagenesis. Open diamonds, umu+ strain SMR5222; filled squares, ΔumuDC strain SMR10316. (B, D, F, and H) Daily levels of Lac− viable cells on the plates, normalized to the day 1 counts, showing little net growth or death. For each panel the symbols are the same as those for the panel above it.