(A and B) Construction of gslA, pgm6, and pgm6 pgm7 deletion mutants. gslA (A) and pgm6 alone or pgm6 pgm7 (B) were replaced with cepA genes as described in Materials and Methods. Arrows show CDSs. PGN numbers are CDS numbers of P. gingivalis ATCC 33277. Hybridization probes for the upstream region of gslA (black box) and for cepA (gray box) are indicated (A). P, restriction enzyme-recognized site for PstI. (C) Chromosomal DNA from gingipain-null mutant KDP136 and its gslA deletion mutant KDP377 was digested with PstI and subjected to Southern hybridization using a probe specific for the upstream region of gslA (a) and a probe specific for cepA (b). Lanes: 1, KDP136 (kgp rgpA rgpB); 2, KDP377 (kgp rgpA rgpB gslA::cepA).