FIG. 5.
Histological analysis of reovirus growth in the liver. C57BL/6 wt and cathepsin-deficient mice, 2 to 4 days old, were inoculated perorally with 106 PFU T3SA+. Livers were resected at day 8 postinfection, and a small wedge of liver was removed for titer determination by a plaque assay. The remaining liver was processed for histopathology, and consecutive sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin or polyclonal reovirus antiserum. Representative samples from titer-matched livers are shown. Boxes indicate areas of enlargement shown in the panels on the right. Arrows indicate areas of inflammation. Original magnifications, ×10 and ×40. A, wt; B, Ctsb−/−; C, Ctsl−/−; D, Ctss−/−.