From Left to Right: Axial (x = 86), Coronal (y = 65), Sagittal (z = 147) Significant voxels in the 3D‐ttest comparing resting state conditions between healthy controls and schizophrenic patients in the gamma band (30–80 Hz) region. The significant ROI consists of 42 contiguous (there were no isolated) 7.5 mm width resolution voxels in the posterior region of the medial parietal lobule. Images were centered on the voxel representing the maximum intensity for the entire cluster (15, 67.5, 21.2). The majority of the cluster directly overlapped with bilateral precuneus (36.7%), cuneus (23.7%), PCC (2.5%), middle occipital gyrus (2.0%), and cingulate gyrus (1.0%). All other anatomical overlap accounted for less than 1.0% of the ROI as determined via the AFNI command “whereami bmask.” For visualization, data were smoothed using a cubic spline.