1: |
Function OnlinePOMDPSolver() |
Static: bc: The current belief state of the agent. |
T: An AND-OR tree representing the current search tree. |
D: Expansion depth. |
L: A lower bound on V *. |
U: An upper bound on V *. |
2: |
bc ← b0
3: |
Initialize T to contain only bc at the root |
4: |
while not ExecutionTerminated() do
5: |
while not PlanningTerminated() do
6: |
b* ← ChooseNextNodeToExpand() |
7: |
Expand(b*, D) |
8: |
UpdateAncestors(b*) |
9: |
end while
10: |
Execute best action â for bc
11: |
Perceive a new observation z
12: |
bc ← τ(bc, â, z) |
13: |
Update tree T so that bc is the new root |
14: |
end while |