−316/−321, SRE, and NF-Y Promoter Elements are Highly Conserved across Species. A, Multiple sequence alignment was performed using the CLUSTALW2 tool provided by EMBL-EBI. HMGR promoter sequences for H. sapiens, R. norvegicus, and M. musculus were obtained from GenBank. Nucleotides are labeled ± from the transcription start site. B, HMGR promoter construct spanning the −325/+70 region (wild-type) as well as constructs with mutations in the −316/−321, SRE, or NF-Y binding sites were electroporated into the livers of hypophysectomized rats treated ±T3 (n≥4). Data are reported as the mean ± standard error of the mean for each promoter construct. Statistically significant differences are relative to Hx with wild-type construct. *p<0.05