a, JFH1-replicon-containing Huh7 cells were transfected with single non-specific miRNA-mimics (miR-ctrl), a pool of control miRNAs (miR-ctrl(mix5)) or anti-miRNAs (anti-miR-ctrl), or specific miRNA-mimics corresponding to the eight IFNβ-induced miRNAs, or specific anti-miRNAs. In addition, a combination of the five miRNAs that displayed anti-viral activity individually was used (miR-mix5) with or without anti-miR-122, as indicated, and HCV RNA was quantified by qPCR after 48 h. b, Same as a, except Huh7 cells were infected with live JFH-1 virus for 48 h (error bars, means ± s.d. of at least four independent experiments; P values are from paired Student’s t-tests).