α4β2 AChRs target with NRX to presynaptic terminals in hippocampal neurons. Single plane images of neurons that were transfected at 8 DIV, coplated with tsA 201 cells at 12 DIV and fixed, permeabilized, and immunostained at 14 DIV. A, neurons expressing α4β2 AChRs were coplated with tsA 201 cells expressing NLG. B, neurons expressing α4β2 AChRs and NRX were coplated with tsA 201 cells expressing NLG. α4β2 AChRs and NRX-expressing cultures exhibit enhanced targeting of α4β2 AChRs to synapses (arrows) compared with α4β2 AChRs alone (A, arrowhead). C, neurons expressing α4β2 AChRs and NRX lacking its extracellular domain (NRXΔEC) were coplated with tsA 201 cells expressing NLG. D, quantification of results shown in A–C. *, p < 0.05, expressed as the means ± S.E. and analyzed using Student's t test. Antibody combinations: A–C, anti-β2 AChR (mAb 295, red), anti-VSV-G (green), and anti-HA (blue) antibodies. Scale bar, 10 μm.