a, immunohistochemical localization of OPN in human kidney stone by light microscopy. Concentric layers/lamellae of organic matrix, rich in OPN, radiate from apparent nidi of calcification. b and c, at the ultrastructural level, colloidal-gold immunolabeling for OPN viewed by transmission electron microscopy shows OPN variably concentrated either at crystallite surfaces (b), here seen as voids after sample decalcification, or within the crystallites (within the void) and associated with a flocculent organic material evident after decalcification (c). d, scanning electron micrograph of COD crystals precipitated from normal male human urine by oxalate addition. Typical di-pyramidal COD crystals show prominent {101} crystallographic faces. e, Western blots for OPN of normal human urine (lane 1) and the protein extract of COD crystals precipitated from normal human urine (lane 2).