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. 2009 Jul 6;284(35):23852–23859. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.023986


Data collection and refinement statistics for crystal structures of yeast Tom71, Tom71-Hsp70 complex, and Tom71-Hsp90 complex

Statistics in the highest resolution shell are shown in parentheses.

Tom71 Tom71-Hsp70 Tom71-Hsp90
Data collection
    Space group P212121 P212121 P212121
    Cell dimensions: a, b, c (Å) 76.90, 83.42, 109.11 47.82, 116.03, 150.65 47.87, 116.29, 150.74
    Wavelength (Å) 1.000 1.000 0.9718
    Resolution (Å) 2.0 2.15 2.0
    Rsym or Rmerge 0.053 (0.226) 0.078 (0.506) 0.088 (0.446)
    II 47.1 (9.2) 19.2 (2.3) 25.0 (2.47)
    Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.9) 90.3 (77.7) 97.2 (86.1)
    Redundancy 7.2 (7.0) 5.0 (3.9) 5.0 (2.5)

    No. reflections 47,008 42,316 57,803
    Rwork/Rfree 18.9 (21.9)/22.7 (28.3) 20.8 (26.1)/26.1 (35.3) 19.9 (24.7)/23.6 (27.9)
    No. atoms protein (water) 4735 (573) 4427 (268) 4559 (451)
    B factors 34.55 17.85 36.59
    Root mean square deviations
        Bond lengths (Å) 0.018 0.023 0.018
        Bond angels (°) 1.46 1.787 1.524