Figure 3.
Attention-related fMRI activation represented on flatmaps of the occipital–parietal cortex for the attend-left (A) and the attend-right (B) conditions for a single subject. Insets show schematic stimulus array with cued target in red. fMRI color scale is similar to Figure 2. Some visual area boundaries are shown in black and labeled in the space between the two hemispheres. Black dashed line on each map indicates margin of “cut” used to allow unfolding of occipital lobe. Flatmaps use shades of gray to represent gyri (light gray) and sulci (darker grays). Major sulci: calcarine (Cal S.), collateral (Col. S.), occipital temporal (OTS), lateral occipital (LOS), intraparietal sulcus (IPS), transverse occipital (TOS), and parietal occipital (POS). Green dashed lines approximately indicate foveal versus peripheral field representations.