Table 3.
Output of the simulation model for default simulation, simulations in which the parameters values were changed one-by-one and simulations with parameter values representing small- and large-fruited cultivars
Simulation | Changed parameter | Parameter value | Fruit set (no.) | Fruit set (%) | Variation in fruit set (CV)* | Fruit weight (g)† | Ratio actual/potential fruit weight |
Default | 71 | 71 | 0·65 | 4·21 | 0·53 | ||
Changing parameters one-by-one | Potential fruit weight | 4 | 100 | 100 | 0·15 | 2·51 | 0·63 |
18 | 41 | 41 | 0·99 | 7·88 | 0·44 | ||
Source : sink threshold for fruit set | 1 | 26 | 26 | 1·46 | 6·45 | 0·81 | |
Fruit-growth duration | 57 | 71 | 71 | 0·57 | 4·19 | 0·52 | |
70 | 70 | 70 | 0·64 | 4·19 | 0·52 | ||
Flower appearance rate | 1 | 88 | 44 | 1·00 | 3·59 | 0·45 | |
Source strength | 2·2 | 64 | 64 | 0·69 | 4·09 | 0·51 | |
2·6 | 79 | 79 | 0·50 | 4·26 | 0·53 | ||
Vegetative sink strength | 1·6 | 76 | 76 | 0·55 | 4·30 | 0·54 | |
2·9 | 52 | 52 | 0·89 | 3·83 | 0·48 | ||
Small-fruited cultivar‡ | 123 | 62 | 0·69 | 2·03 | 0·51 | ||
Large-fruited cultivar | 21 | 21 | 1·84 | 12·20 | 0·68 |
Default simulation had 8 g dm as maximum fruit size, 0·5 as threshold for fruit set, fruit-growth duration of 60 d, flower appearance rate of 0·5 d−1, source strength of 2·4 g dm d−1 and vegetative sink strength of 1·9 g dm d−1.
* CV is the coefficient of variation, representing the variation in weekly fruit set calculated as the s.d. of the weekly fruit set divided by the average weekly fruit set
† Of the harvested fruits
‡ For explanation, see Table 1.