FIGURE 1. λ5 knockout mice show loss of c-kit-, but not c-kit+ early pre-B cells in vivo.
(A) Representative dot plots of c-kit+ and c-kit- precursors in wild-type (B6) (WT) and λ5 knockout (KO) mice. B220+CD43+ are pro-B/early pre-B cells and late pre-B cells are B220+CD43- with percentages out of total bone marrow shown. Pro-B/early pre-B cells were further gated as surface IgM-CD19+ with percent cells present in total bone marrow indicated. Surface IgM-CD19+B220+CD43+ B cell precursors were gated based on c-kit and cytoplasmic μ (cμ) with proportion indicated for c-kit+cμ- pro-B, c-kit+cμ+ early pre-B, and c-kit-cμ+ early pre-B subsets. (B) Analysis of c-kit+ pro-B, c-kit+ and c-kit- early pre-B, and late pre-B cell numbers for 7 pairs of WT and λ5 KO mice. *p<0.02.