FIG. 5.
Confocal photomicrographs of mHEVa cells and WEHI-231 cells from FACS sorted mHEVa cells from Regions4 & 5 from Fig. 4. mHEVa cells were sorted, labeled with rat-anti-mouse VCAM-1 or an isotype control antibody and Cy5-conjugated goat-anti-rat IgG, and analyzed by confocal microscopy. A: representative field of cocultures of mHEVa cells and apoptotic WEHI-231 cells prior to cell sorting. B: representative field of cocultures of mHEVa cells and control WEHI-231 cells prior to cell sorting. C: representative field of mHEVa cells sorted from Region 4 from Figure 4A containing phagocytosed TAMRA-labeled apoptotic WEHI-231 cells. D: representative field of mHEVa cells sorted from Region 4 from Figure 4B containing phagocytosed TAMRA-labeled control WEHI-231 cells which were most likely apoptotic due to the absence of 2-ME while in co-culture with the mHEVa cells. E: representative field of mHEVa cells sorted from Region 5 from Figure 4A containing dual-labeled (TAMRA+CD45+) WEHI-231 cells; some WEHI-231 cells were separated from the surface of mHEVa cells during cell sorting and/or immunolabeling with anti-VCAM. F: representative field of mHEVa cells sorted from Region 5 of Figure 4B containing dual-labeled WEHI-231 cells; some WEHI-231 cells were separated from the surface of mHEVa cells during cell sorting and/or immunolabeling with anti-VCAM. G: dual-labeled apoptotic WEHI-231 cells were incubated with Cy5-conjugated goat-anti-rat IgG to demonstrate that Cy5 did not label CD45. H: dual-labeled control WEHI-231 cells were incubated with Cy5-conjugated goat-anti-rat IgG to demonstrate that Cy5 did not label CD45. Green represents FITC. Red represents TAMRA. Blue represents Cy5. Yellow to white represents the co-localization of FITC and TAMRA. Bar, 20 μm.