Figure 4.
Robust perfect adaptation in A with Aset = 1.0. (a) Model described in Fig. 3a with rate constants as given in the Appendix. At t = 5.0 time units, kpert is increased from 0.0 to 1.0. (b) Initial conditions as given in the Appendix with kpert = 1.0. At t = 5.0 time units, kpert is increased from 1.0 to 103 a.u. (c) Initial conditions as in panel b. At t = 5.0 time units, kpert is decreased from 1.0 to 10−3 a.u. (d) Same initial conditions as in panel b, but Etr is successively increased leading eventually to the breakdown in homeostasis indicated by the decreasing Ass values. This breakdown can be opposed to a certain degree by increasing the values of kpert or ksynth. In the figure, kpert or ksynth were increased from their original values 1.0 and 3.0 to 10.0 and 12.0, respectively, thereby extending the homeostasis to larger Etr values (dashed line). However, at higher Etr concentrations the homeostasis fails again with decreasing Ass values (data not shown). (e) Calculated Ass values for varying with ksynth = 3.0 a.u. and kpert = 1.0 a.u. (solid circles), or with ksynth = 3.0 a.u. and kpert = 5.0 a.u. (open circles). For < 109 a.u., perfect homeostasis in A is lost (indicated by the condition that Ass < Aset), because for decreasing the associated with the removal of Eadapt by Eset increases, which eventually leads to the loss of the zero-order kinetics in the Eadapt degradation. (f) Time profiles in A with two different values. At t = 5.0 time units, kpert is increased from 1.0 to 5.0 a.u. 1 = Perfect homeostasis in A for = 1012 a.u.; 2 = Loss of perfect homeostasis in A when = 106 a.u., which is due to the loss of zero-order kinetics in the degradation of Eadapt.