Figure 6.
Homeostatic control motifs. Due to the kinetic restriction that concentrations need to be positive, two classes of homeostatic controllers arise: 1), inflow homeostatic controllers leading to homeostasis in the concentration of A for increasing (and moderate decreasing) perturbations in A (panels a and b); and 2), outflow homeostatic controllers leading to homeostasis in A for decreasing (and moderate increasing) perturbations in A (panels c and d). Rate equations with example parameter values are given in the Appendix. Note that many of the parameter values may be changed within certain limits (besides changing kpert) without affecting the homeostasis. (a) Schematic representation of the two (inflow) homeostatic models shown in Fig. 3. Robust homeostasis is due to the zero-order kinetic removal of Eadapt. (b) Inflow homeostatic model where Eadapt inhibits the inflow of A through ksynth. To maintain homeostasis the perturbation needs to be applied to the same reaction channel as ksynth. The integral feedback is due to the zero-order removal of Eadapt and is not related to the physico-chemical negative feedback from Eadapt to (ksynth + kpert). (c) Outflow homeostatic controller by removing Eadapt through A. (d) Outflow homeostatic controller by inhibiting Etr through Eadapt. Similar to panel b, homeostasis is obtained when the perturbation increases the outflow of A through the same reaction channel that is used by enzyme Etr.