Figure 5.
Predictions of the transport-diffusion model. One-hundred trajectories of melanosomes were simulated for each studied condition considering the transport-diffusion model proposed in this work and increasing diffusion times. MSD was calculated for every trajectory and fitted with Eq. 3. (A) Dependence of A1 on the diffusion time. The distribution of A1 obtained by analyzing 100 trajectories for each condition is represented at diffusion times of seconds: 120, 100, 80, 60, 40, 20, 10, 3, and 1 (top-left to bottom-right). (B) Dependence of α on the diffusion time. The distribution of α obtained at each diffusion time was fitted with a Gaussian function and the mean value was plotted as a function of the diffusion time. The error bars correspond to the errors obtained from the fitting. (Inset) Distribution of α obtained by considering tdiffusion of 3 s (○) and 100 s (▪).