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. 2000 Oct 14;321(7266):923. doi: 10.1136/bmj.321.7266.923

Box 2.

—Clinical criteria

  • General language group—a standardised score <1.2 SD (standard deviation) below the mean on the auditory comprehension part of the preschool language scale11
  • Expressive language group—a standardised score >1.2 SD below the mean on auditory comprehension but <1.2 SD below the mean on the expressive language part of the preschool language scale
  • Phonology group—auditory comprehension and expressive language scores >1.2 SD below the mean but with an error rate of at least 40% in the production of fricative consonants (for example, f and s) and/or velar consonants (for example, “hard” c, “hard” g, and ng) and/or sounds occurring after a vowel among the 22 words included in the phonological analysis