Troubleshooting table.
Problem | Possible reason | Solution |
Step 19: No distinct population of ASCs is present during flow cytometry | Poor or unusual response to vaccine | Use the specified gating strategy to collect the ASCs that are present |
Step 22: Negative controls (wells with no cells) on RT/nested PCR have a positive band | Contamination | Plates will probably have to be discarded |
Step 25: Negative controls on cloning PCR have a positive band | Contamination | Repeat cloning PCR for contaminated reactions |
Step 50: A portion of miniprepped colonies do not contain the insert or there are mutations so that no consensus is found from the four picked colonies | PCR-introduced errors are not uncommon with the large number of PCR cycles required for single-cell PCR | Pick four more colonies from the plate, miniprep and sequence until there are enough sequences to establish a consensus |
Step 79: After transfection, the concentration of antibody produced is very low (less than 50 μg ml−1) | Beads have reached capacity or the particular antibody is a ‘poor’ expresser. It is clear that not all mAbs will be expressed in abundance | Run transfection media from which the antibody has been purified on a protein gel. If antibody bands are still present, discontinue the use of that set of beads and purify the supernatant again with a new set. Otherwise, more transfections may be required |
Plates not confluent enough or cells have been passaged for too long | Run transfection media from which the antibody has been purified on a protein gel. If antibody bands are not present, transfect again, checking confluency of plate. Some antibodies do not transfect well; in such cases, transfect eight or more plates instead of four |
ASC, antibody-secreting cell.