Table III.
Results from logistic regression analyses where BDI was dichotomized into BDI<10 and BDI≥10 (adjusted for age and NT-proBNP)
Variable | Odds Ratios (95% CI) |
COPE Subscales | |
Acceptance | .92 (.82, 1.04) |
Active Coping | .96 (.85, 1.08) |
Alcohol and Drug Disengagement | 1.3 (.96, 1.64) |
Behavioral Disengagement | 1.3*† (1.13, 1.44) |
Denial | 1.2** (1.07, 1.31) |
Positive Reinterpretation and Growth | .96 (.86, 1.08) |
Humor | .93 (.85, 1.02) |
Mental Disengagement | 1.3*† (1.11, 1.40) |
Planning | .95 (.85, 1.05) |
Turning to Religion | 1.03 (.95, 1.13) |
Restraint Coping | 1.09 (.98, 1.22) |
Seeking Emotional Support | .92 (.85, 1.0) |
Seeking Instrumental Support | .96 (.87, 1.06) |
Suppress | 1.1 (.95, 1.2) |
Venting | 1.2** (1.03, 1.3) |
PSSSa | .92*† (.88, .97 |
ESSI b | .92** (.87, .98) |
LOT-Rc | 1.2*† (1.13, 1.37) |
PSSS=Perceived Social Support Scale
ESSI=ENRICHD Social Support Inventory
LOT-R=Life Orientation Test-Revised