Figure 5.
Pig retinal cryosections labeled immunohistochemicaly for Islet1 and PKCα. A: Ganglion (thick arrows), amacrine (thin arrows) and horizontal cells (arrowheads) are Islet1-positive in GW9 retina. B: Ganglion, amacrine (thick arrows), bipolar (thin arrows) and horizontal cells (arrowheads, also labeled with calbindin in inset B) are Islet1-positive in 1W (B) and 6M (C) retina. D: GCL (thick arrows), IPL, prospective INL (thin arrows), and developing OPL (arrowheads) are PKCα-positive in GW9 retina. E: Bipolar cell bodies (arrowheads) and their processes (arrows) are PKCα-positive in 1W retina. F: Bipolar cell bodies (arrowheads) and axonal endings (arrows) are PKCα-labeled in 6M retina. Nuclei are labeled with PI (red).