Figure 4. Spatial learning and memory in tg-ArcSwe mice.
Transgenic (tg-ArcSwe) and nontransgenic (non-tg) mice were tested in the Morris water maze at 4 months (4 mo) and 8 months (8 mo) of age, n=17 (non-tg) and 20 (tg-ArcSwe) in total. (A) Escape latency in seconds (s.) was used as a measure of spatial learning. Each point in the figure represents average performance at each day ± standard error of the mean. Different age groups (4 and 8 mo) were offset in the figure for the sake of clarity. Learning was modestly impaired in tg-ArcSwe mice as compared to non-tg littermates with a significant effect of both genotype and time in a two-way factorial ANOVA. Fischer LSD pos-hoc showed longer escape latencies of tg-ArcSwe mice at day 3 (* P<0.05). There was no evidence that age affected performance in an initial single variance analysis (P=0.74). (B) Representative swim paths of two non-tg mice (upper panels) and two tg-ArcSwe mice (lower panels). Arrowheads (▷) illustrate the start position of each mouse. (C) In the probe trial, 72 h after last training session, non-tg mice crossed the platform more often than tg-ArcSwe mice and also spent more time in the goal area, but these differences did not reach significance.