Figure 9. Numerical simulations of the homeostasis model (Eq. (7)) and sensitivity tests of several parameters.
The system is at steady state and at drug is applied. A, D, G and J: the latent reservoir size; B, E, H and K: viral load; C, F, I and L: the ratio of
, i.e., the relative contributions to the latent reservoir persistence from ongoing viral replication and latently infected cell proliferation. A, B and C: the carrying capacity of total latently infected cells is
. We use different proliferation rates:
(blue solid),
(green dash-dotted), and
(red dashed). The black solid line represents the detection limit. D, E and F:
is fixed. Different carrying capacities of the total latently infected cells are used:
(green dashed),
(blue solid),
(red dash-dotted). G, H and I: we use different fractions of infections that result in latency:
(red dashed),
(blue solid), and
(black dotted). J, K and L: we use different drug efficacies:
(red dashed),
(blue solid),
(black dotted).
and the carrying capacity
are fixed for the last two rows. The other parameter values used are listed in Table 1.