Fig. 3.
Early heart specification is normal in pbx2-MO; pbx4-MO and hand2-MO embryos. (A–O) RNA in situ expression at the 7–9 somite stage of (A–C) gata4, (D–F) gata5, (G–I) scl, (J–L) hand2, and (M–O) nkx2.5, all in blue, in (A,D,G,J,M) control, (B,E,H,K,N) pbx2-MO; pbx4-MO, or (C,F,I,L,O) hand2-MO embryos. Also included in (A–L), in red, are krox-20, labeled in (A) in r3 and r5 in the hindbrain, and myod, labeled m in (B) and used to confirm somite staging, but is not visible here in all embryos. Arrows in (M) mark nkx2.5 expression. n≥13 for each marker in control, pbx2-MO; pbx4-MO, or hand2-MO. Embryos are shown in dorsal view, anterior towards the left.