Figure 1.
(a) Schematic of the simple reactor. x0 is the initial diffusion length; xF is the final diffusion length; Ac is the cross-section area of the diffusion path; Ar is the cross-section area of the reaction region; L is the total length of the channel. (b) Experimental relative evaporative loss Vloss/VPCR in a 2cm straight uniform channel with varying fractional filled length (L −2 x0)/L. (c) Calculated relative evaporative loss Vloss/VPCR in a straight uniform channel with different channel length. (d) Calculated relative evaporative loss Vloss/VPCR in a channel-chamber-channel design with different cross-section area ratio Ac/Ar. The total length of the channels and chamber is 2.4cm and the reaction chamber is 0.4cm long.