Table 2.
Loci showing gray matter density reductions in combat-exposed twins with vs. without combat-related PTSD that were significant at uncorrected p<0.001
z | psvc | k | [x y z] | Brain Region |
4.50 | 0.001 | 248 | [44 −2 −14] | right mid insula |
4.47 | 145 | [−62 −56 −4] | left middle temporal gyrus | |
4.39 | 0.001 | 27 | [34 −28 −16] | right hippocampus |
3.95 | 0.005 | 236 | [−36 10 −4] | left anterior insula |
3.71 | 0.004 | 185 | [0 46 10] | pregenual anterior cingulate cortex |
3.52 | 35 | [−46 42 −14] | left inferior frontal gyrus | |
3.47 | 22 | [−64 −44 10] | left superior temporal gyrus |
psvc = significance level with small volume correction based upon the a priori size of the structure
k = cluster size
[x y z] = MNI coordinates of peak voxel
Predicted areas appear in boldface.