Figure 3. Comparison of neutrophil deformation index in shear flow in different suspending media.
Neutrophils were suspended in RPMI (circle), 25% dextran in RPMI (triangle), and 10% RBCs in RPMI (square). The shear rate profile in the presence of RBC is calculated from Equation 1 with k = 3 (inset). The shear rate profiles for RPMI and 25% dextran are assumed parabolic. The y-axis error bars are sem(16 < n < 40), and the x-axis error bars are the maximum error in estimating the flow velocities (15% of the estimated flow velocity). Within each range of shear stress 5 < τ < 10, 10 < τ < 15, and 15 < τ < 20 dyn/cm2, there were significant differences in cell deformation between cells in RPMI or dextran and those in RBCs (P < 0.05).