Figure 4.
Time-course distribution of bioavailable B(a)P total metabolites in brain tissues and plasma. Timed-pregnant dams received 300 μg B(a)P/kg BW via gavage on GD14-17. Offspring pups were sacrificed on PND 0, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 and metabolite levels were determined as outlined in the methods and materials section. The detection limit (evaluated by a minimum signal to noise ratio of 3) of B(a)P metabolites by HPLC was approximately 300femtograms/total sample on column. Values represent mean + S.E.M. Owing to the limited volume of blood that could be obtained at PND0 & PND5, whole blood was used in lieu of plasma, whereas plasma was used for the remaining time points for metabolite analysis. Values are mean ± SEM with *p<0.05 for n=3 litters for control and n=3 litters for B(a)P-exposed cerebrocortical brain tissue for metabolite concentrations in brain tissues as compared to plasma. The asterisks denote statistical significance.