The P. profundum SS9 PBPRA3229 gene is functionally interchangeable with diaA in E. coli. (A to D) Exponential-phase cells of the E. coli strains shown grown in the presence of streptomycin, thymine, and 0.2% (wt/vol) l-arabinose were fixed, and the chromosome number was determined with SYTOX Green in combination with flow cytometry. The profiles shown are representative of two independent experiments. Similar results were also obtained with 0.01% (wt/vol) l-arabinose (data not shown). (E and F) The E. coli strains shown were grown overnight in LB medium (42°C) supplemented with streptomycin and thymine. Cultures were then diluted and spotted onto LB agar supplemented with thymine, streptomycin, and 0.01% (wt/vol) l-arabinose. Plates were then incubated overnight at the temperatures shown. The data set shown is representative of at least two independent experiments where similar growth patterns were observed.