FIG. 3.
Phylogenetic neighbor-joining tree showing 16S rRNA gene sequences of TTGE bands from the four types of plots (NM-BS, NM-Ms, NM-SV, and TD-Ms). Sequences were grouped when identity was more than 98% for clarity. The sampling dates (T0 and T4) and plot types where bands were detected are indicated. Reference strain sequences were taken from GenBank and are named by their accession numbers; to see the closest environmental clones related to our TTGE bands, refer to Fig. S1 in the supplemental material. The tree is rooted with the Paenibacillus sp. strain GP25-12 (accession number AM162342) 16S rRNA gene sequence. Bootstrap values greater than 50% derived from 100 replicates are shown (filled circles on branch junction) and were obtained using the distance matrix and neighbor-joining method within PHYLIP 3.65. The bar represents 10% sequence divergence.