FIG. 4.
Coalignment of vesicles with microfilaments. (A) N. benthamiana cells expressing 6K2GFP-tagged TuMV-induced vesicles and GFP-ABD2-GFP observed by confocal microscopy at 4 days after agroinfiltration. (A) No treatment was applied. (B) Leaves were infiltrated with 5 μM LatB 4 h prior to confocal microscope observation. (C) Leaves were infiltrated with 5 μM LatB 4 h prior to agroinfiltration. Photographs are three-dimensional renderings of 40 1-μm-thick slices that overlap by 0.5 μm. An asterisk indicates the position of the nucleus. The inset image is a close-up view of the depicted square. Arrows indicate the presence of TuMV vesicles “trapped” within microfilament bundles. Scale bar, 10 μm.