The epitope patterns do not differ between mice infected with C→A MHV-68 and those infected with (C→A)REV (REV) MHV-68. Shown is cell surface staining of splenocytes from mice infected with C→A and (C→A)REV MHV-68 with the respective H-2Kb and H-2Db tetramers (tet) 7 and 16 days after infection. (A) The panel shows the mean percentage (0 to 2%) of epitope-positive CD8 T cells at 7 dpi for (C→A)REV and C→A virus-infected mice. (B) The panel shows the mean percentage (0 to 10%) of epitope-positive CD8 T cells at 7 dpi for (C→A)REV and C→A virus-infected mice. (C) The panel shows the mean percentage (0 to 2%) of epitope-positive CD8 T cells at 16 dpi for (C→A)REV and C→A virus-infected mice. (D) The panel shows the mean percentage (0 to 15%) of epitope-positive CD8 T cells at 16 dpi for (C→A)REV and C→A virus-infected mice. The data represent the mean value of three to six mice per experimental group ± standard deviation. The numbers in the graphs correspond to the following epitopes (peptide sequences): 1, RSYIYYAL; 2, AGYIYYQL; 3, KSLTYYKL; 4, TGFRYSYM; 5, SCLDYSHL; 6, AILKFKSL; 7, LGSVYYKL; 8, AIYSFRNA; 9, AVVQFIRV; 10, VNLVFPSV; 11, FVYLFHFM; 12, SVYGFTGV; 13, TNYKFSLV; 14, CNRIYARL; 15, ITYFFEMI; 16, LSPPMAHL; 17, TSINFVKI; 18, KNYIFEEKL; 19, SAITNHAAF; 20, AGPHNDMEI; 21, SAIENYETF; and 22, SAPMKTVTI.