(A) Deconvolved immunofluorescence images of Hec1-depleted PtK1 cells expressing the indicated GFP-fusion proteins. The insets show higher magnification images of individual kinetochores.
(B) Quantification of end-on microtubule association with kinetochores. Full-length Hec1-GFP data from Figure 2 are compared to data from 9D-Hec1-GFP expressing cells: n= 10 cells / n= 295 kinetochores.
(C) Quantification of inter-kinetochore distances, measured from Hec1-GFP-centroid to Hec1-GFP-centroid (full-length Hec1-GFP metaphase data from Figure 2 are compared to data from 9D-Hec1-GFP: n= 10 cells / 82 kinetochore pairs). The P value (asterisk) is <0.0005, as measured by Student's t-test (vs. full-length Hec1-GFP metaphase).