Relaxin with or without β-estradiol upregulates c-fos, c-jun and Ets-1 mRNAs in fibrocartilaginous cells. (A) RNA extracted from cells exposed to control medium (Ct) or medium with β-estradiol (Es, 20 ng/ml) and/or relaxin (R, 0.1 ng/ml) or TPA (50 ng/ml) was subjected to Northern blot analysis for c-jun, c-fos, Ets-1 or G3PDH. Histograms of the mean (±SE) fold-induction of c-fos (B), c-jun (C) and Ets-1 (D) determined by video densitometry and standardized to G3PDH by the various treatments relative to control baseline levels were plotted from four experiments.