Figure 4.
Repetition attenuation for panoramic images in RSC but not in the PPA. Mean peak hemodynamic responses for panoramic 1st, 2nd, 3rd and identical 1st, 2nd, 3rd images are shown for each ROI in Experiment 1. Error bars indicate ± SEM. a, Parahippocampal place area (PPA). Paired comparisons between panoramic 1st and 3rd images show no attenuation, while paired comparisons between identical 1st and 3rd images show significant neural attenuation. Differences between the amount of attenuation across the two conditions was significant. b, Retrosplenial cortex (RSC). Paired comparisons between panoramic 1st and 3rd images showed significant neural attenuation. The amount of attenuation in RSC for the panoramic condition was significantly larger than the amount of attenuation in the PPA for the panoramic condition. Differences between the amount of attenuation for the panoramic condition across the PPA and RSC were significant. Paired comparisons between identical 1st and 3rd images showed significant neural attenuation as well. c, Examples of each condition are illustrated. Panoramic repeat condition repeated three different views taken from a single panoramic image; Identical repeat condition repeated three identical images.