Quebec |
7 items: used threat or force to get someone to do something; gang fighting; fist fighting; fighting with weapons; beating someone up for no reason; throwing things at people; carrying a weapon |
11 items: taking something worth $10 or more from school; shoplifting; entering a place without paying; taking money from home that is not yours; taking something worth less than $10; taking something worth between $10 and $100; taking something worth $100 or more; stealing a bicycle; knowingly buying stolen property; breaking and entering; breaking into someplace to steal something |
Montreal |
7 items: used threat or force to get someone to do something; gang fighting; fist fighting; fighting with weapons; beating someone up for no reason; throwing things at people; carrying a weapon |
11 items: taking something worth $10 or more from school; shoplifting; entering a place without paying; taking money from home that is not yours; taking something worth less than $10; taking something worth between $10 and $100; taking something worth $100 or more; stealing a bicycle; knowingly buying stolen property; breaking and entering; breaking into someplace to steal something |
Christchurch |
8 items: used threat or force to rob someone; gang fighting; attacked someone living in your home with a weapon; hit someone living in your home; attacked someone not living in your home with a weapon; hit someone with the intention of hurting them; carrying a hidden weapon; cruel to animals |
14 items: breaking and entering; taking something worth less than $5; taking something worth between $5 and $50; taking something worth between $50 and $100; taking something worth over $100; shoplifting; snatching purse/wallet or picking someone’s pocket; taking something from a car; buying or holding stolen goods; stealing a motor vehicle; damaging or destroying property; fire setting; using stolen checks or bank card; stealing money from workplace |
Dunedin |
5 items: hit someone in anger; attacked with weapon; hit someone with intent to hurt; strongarm; gang fight |
23 items: run away; carried weapon; unruly in public; damaged property; broken in; stolen something worth less than $5; stolen something worth between $5 and $50; stolen something worth between $50 and $100; stolen something worth more than $100; shoplifting; snatched purse; stolen from a car; bought or sold stolen goods; joyriding; stolen a vehicle; passed bad checks; credit card fraud; cheat someone; driving offense; sold marijuana; sold hard drugs; used marijuana; used hard drugs |
Child Development Project |
2 items: fights; attacks people |
4 items: steals at home; steals elsewhere; destroys others’ belongings; sets fires |