Figure 1.
Performance of normalization procedures. For each platform and normalization method the modified AUC values are shown. The open bar indicates the best performing algorithm as found in the original study [7]. The red hatched bar indicates the results from our rerun experiment. MAT-o refers to the result of the MAT method in the original study and MAT-r refers to the results of our rerun experiment. In red the results for the Affymetrix platform (Struhl and Gingeras labs), in black the results for the Agilent platform (Farnham and Green labs) and in blue the results for the NimbleGen platform (McCuine lab). (a) Results using the unamplified samples. (b) results using the amplified samples. The asterisk marks the much lower AUC value using MAT on the intensities measured for the amplified sample of the McCuine lab (Agilent platform).