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. 2007 Jun;25(2):212–220.

Table 4.

Decline in childhood mortality by cause between the two ECCD surveys, Morocco, 1987-1996

Cause of death ECCD-1 ECCD-2 Comparison 2/1
No of deaths % Rate per 1,000 No of deaths % Rate per 1,000 Decline (%) p value
ALRI 9 8.6 2.63 26 20.4 2.57 2.2 0.954
Diarrhoea, Acute 18 17.1 5.26 17 12.8 1.62 69.3 0.000∗
Diarrhoea, Chronic 11 10.5 3.21 19 16.7 2.10 34.6 0.263
Dysentery 9 8.6 2.63 2 2.4 0.30 88.4 0.006∗
Total, diarrhoea 63.8 0.000∗
Typhoid 5 4.8 1.46 1 1.0 0.13 91.2 0.027∗
Tuberculosis 4 3.8 1.17 2 1.8 0.22 81.0 0.055∗
Malnutrition 27 25.7 7.89 23 17.8 2.25 71.5 0.000∗
Congenital defect 3 2.9 0.88 5 4.0 0.50 42.8 0.444
Hepatitis 5 4.8 1.46 2 2.4 0.30 79.1 0.061
Nephritis 1 1.0 0.29 4 3.0 0.37 −27.3 0.829
Whooping cough 2 1.9 0.58 1 0.7 0.09 84.1 0.234
Laryngitis 1 1.0 0.29 0 0.0 0.00 100.0 0.317
Meningitis 6 5.7 1.75 2 1.5 0.19 89.4 0.006∗
Measles 3 2.9 0.88 2 1.5 0.19 78.8 0.089
Septicaemia 9 8.6 2.63 1 0.7 0.09 96.5 0.004∗
Accident 6 5.7 1.17 7 14.2 1.21 −2.2 0.948
Other and unknown 13 12.4 1.75 17 15.3 1.79 49.2 0.968
Total 105 100.0 30.7 112 100.0 12.6 58.9 0.000∗

∗Significant (p<0.05); ALRI=Acute lower respiratory infection; ECCD=Enquête sur les Causes et Circonstances de Décès